Tuesday, October 23, 2012

                                  Crystals & Mineral 

     In the crystal lab we tried to grow two types of crystals. Sugar and hydrant our variables. We have put those variable to boiled water till the variable cant not saturate. After that we have put them near the windows till the water evaporate. As result we had some crystals grown. The crystals look like real crystal however we couldn't made exactly like crystals. Next time we will follow the instructions carefully.

Luster- is the mineral metallic or non metallic.

Color- the color of the mineral.
Streak- the powder of the mineral.
Hardness- how hard is the mineral.
Cleavage- if the mineral breaks evenly.
Fracture- if the mineral breaks unevenly.
Composition- things that make up minerals.


  • Color - Yellow
  • Luster - Metallic 
  • Hardness - 3 
  •  Formula FeS2
  •  Fracture 


  • Hardness -10 
  • Luster - Non Metallic
  • Crystal
  • Color - white color
  • Cleavage 
  • Clear 

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