Wednesday, January 16, 2013


There is no prevention to volcano. They have tried spraying water when the eruption occurred but it didn’t worked. And in my opinion they can make some kind of river so the volcano can be controlled where to be go. And to cause of acid rain they can make some kind of vacuum that can suck up the air.

Monday, January 14, 2013


I don’t than this is a disaster because we have tool to predict when will the volcano erupts however this negative sides. The main cause is that under the earth the magma melts down and gas gather up. When the gas gather up it needs to come out from under ground with pressure it comes out also tectonic plates moves and magma erupts. In the map it shows that in ring of fire there is most volcano erupts. The evidence is that since 2003~2012 the most volcano was erupted in those area. 2nd evidence is map of tectonic plate. In the ring of fire the tectonic plates are converging meaning that there will be more eruptions. Its different to make any prediction because there is no pattern to it however there is more chance that their will be bit more volcano for the next 100 years.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

                                  Crystals & Mineral 

     In the crystal lab we tried to grow two types of crystals. Sugar and hydrant our variables. We have put those variable to boiled water till the variable cant not saturate. After that we have put them near the windows till the water evaporate. As result we had some crystals grown. The crystals look like real crystal however we couldn't made exactly like crystals. Next time we will follow the instructions carefully.

Luster- is the mineral metallic or non metallic.

Color- the color of the mineral.
Streak- the powder of the mineral.
Hardness- how hard is the mineral.
Cleavage- if the mineral breaks evenly.
Fracture- if the mineral breaks unevenly.
Composition- things that make up minerals.


  • Color - Yellow
  • Luster - Metallic 
  • Hardness - 3 
  •  Formula FeS2
  •  Fracture 


  • Hardness -10 
  • Luster - Non Metallic
  • Crystal
  • Color - white color
  • Cleavage 
  • Clear 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Earth treasure

                                       Rock types on earth.

  They are three type of rocks. Firsts one is Igneous rock. Second is Sedimentary rock. And last one is Metamorphic rock. They all form different way and have its own types. Igneous rock forms when the lava or magma  cools down. It has two types extrusive and intrusive. Extrusive rock have small crystals in a rock and it forms outside the mountain ( volcano ). Intrusive rock have big crystals and forms inside the mountain ( volcano ). Sedimentary rock forms compaction and cementation of sediment. It has three types clastic, crystalline, and bioclastic. Clastic rock is just piece of rock. Crystalline rock is rock that forms from liquid. when the animals or the plants die it get berried and turns to bioclastic rock. Metamorphic rock forms with heat and presur. It has two types non foliated and foilated. Foilated one have lines on the rock and non folated have no lines on the rock. Their is more to it. Those rock have its own hardness, luster, color, cleavage or fracture, prices , etc. 

    When the magma erupts from mountain, it gets cool down and turns to Igneous rock. After Igneous rock their will be winds, rains, thunders etc. The rocks will break down into pieces. Then wind will take them to new places that's called Erosion. Those rocks will get together and buried in the underground it will compact together and became Sedimentary rock. Inside the underground sedimentary rock will get presure and heat and turns to Metamorphic rock. After getting deeper and deeper Metamorphic rock will melt down and comes as lava. That's how rock cycle happens.

                                    Vocabulary words.

Metamorphic rock - rock that formed from heat and presure.
Sedimentary rock - rock that forms from sediment that gets compact and sement.
Magma/lava - rock that melted down and became liquid.
Igneous rock - rock that forms when the lave cools down.
Solidification - the rock became solid.
Weathering - rain, wind, ice that breaks the rock into piece.
Erosion - takes sediment to other places.
Sediment - small rocks broke in to small pieces.
Compaction -  when the rocks became compact.
Cementation - the rock becomes cement like hard rock.

                                        Rock Types.

Igneous rock

 Extrusive rock

Sedimentary rock    



Metamorphic rock